Just beneath the surface danger lurks. At least that's always the impression given by the media, especially if they can drag children into the matter.
Well, perhaps we should look a little below the surface of current events and situations, and consider how they may develop and affect those who will live longest with them.
Today a fall of snow brought London to a standstill. It always does. Unprecedented, they claimed. Worst snowfall for 18 years. Hmmm ..London has been a major city for about 2,000 years, so a few inches of snow is not by any means unprecedented, and the city seems to have overcome far greater problems ... blitz, fire, plague. Indeed, considering that the Underground system is more than a century old, and the railway system half a century older, motor vehicles have been numerous for at least half a century, and horse drawn vehicles were around for much longer, it does seem a bit strange that a little snow now seems to cause much more disruption to normal life than used to be the case. Can it all be down to lazy trade unionists, and the crass health and safety regulations? Some of it, probably. There's certainly much less of the attitude that 'the show must go on', 'business as usual', 'we can take it'. There's automatic reliance on government to solve any problems, blame for the politicians if the weather is unkind, eagerness to close things down as early as possible to avoid responsibility and inconvenience.
That's the nature of modern society. Passive. Increasingly dependent on large, bureaucratic, politically controlled systems covering all aspects of life. All these systems seem to to be overloaded and on the verge of collapse even in normal circumstances. The government's strategy has been to shovel ever more resources into public facilities, but they are inefficient and increasingly restricted by bureaucracy. Everywhere you look there's evidence of things not working well, becoming more complicated, employing more people and costing relatively more. The military, the police, the vastly inflated quangocracies and officialdom, the medical services, education, transport.
That's whilst the country has been rich. It's been able to carry this proliferation and complication. That time is passing. There's an interesting book called The Collapse of Complex Societies, by Joseph Tainter. He shows that at first the addition of complexity through greater specialisation and division of labour, as Adam Smith pointed out, creates benefits. Later, things become so complicated, with so many people involved that they fall over each other, and the marginal costs of extra complexity in dealing with the problems of society, come to exceed the marginal benefits of doing so. It becomes impossible to carry on in the old way, resources are insufficient, problems become overwhelming, and institutions become cruder and less specialised and less comprehensive, but cheaper. The complex society - e.g. the Roman Empire, is no longer able to compete and is destroyed or replaced by simpler societies with cruder arrangements.
We seem to be at the point where people close their eyes, insist that everything is fine and all we need is another generation of fancier technology, and lots more government expenditure. Bad news is coming.
Militarily one can see it starting, with 'asymmetrical warfare' and a 'war on terror', where the vast expenditure on nuclear weapons, nuclear powered aircraft carriers, amazingly expensive warplanes, armoured behemoths, spy and weapons satellites in space and the associated research and bureaucracy, turn out to be irrelevant and ineffective in dealing with lightly armed criminals and guerillas. The revival of piracy, as shown by the Somalis, is another straw in this wind.
It can be seen in the increasing failure of the criminal justice system. Ordinary people feel ever more exposed and unprotected, whilst corrupt leftist rulers make it ever harder to impose effective punishment at the end of over complex procedures and twist the crime statistics with the connivance of their lackeys in charge of the police. The cost of dealing with an extra crime are large, but the cost of committing an extra crime is negligable.Lots of skilled people and delays on the side of the defence, versus a single lowly skilled and instantly available criminal on the other. Increasingly, crime pays, even at the lower levels, and the risks of detection and punishment decline.
Physically these problems have not yet become large enough to disturb many people. An occasional snowfall is still a bit of a lark, rather than a threat to life or livelihood. Missing work for a day or two is basically a free holiday for most people. So far, so good. Things may start to become serious, if for instance supplies of food run low, distribution is disrupted, utilities break down, there are strikes and riots and the big bureaucracies upon which physical and economic and social life now depend start to become disfunctional. Let's hope it all lasts out our time, older people can say - but what about the children, haha!
Well, there's good news and bad news about the children, and it's the same. They're becoming more barbaric and feral.This is the result of the great effort and expense put into social engineering and 'educashun'; unfitting them to contribute to civilised life, but fitting them to demolish complex civilisations and replace them with cruder, simpler, versions of society. Civilised, technically advanced, societies can be run by quite a small proportion of competent technicians, administrators and rulers - so it's not all ending by next Tuesday, especially if the cadres can be recruited from abroad. However, its clear which way the wind's blowing.
Are our rulers so stupid and foolish that they don't realise this? Some undoubtedly are just buffoons.Many are ignorant but ambitious fools promoted well beyond their abilities, or shallow minded people attuned to the status quo, who go along to get along . Brown seems to be deluded. Others, smarter or more cynical, don't care provided their snouts are deep enough in the trough. Behind the public relations figures we see, there may be more sinister forces. It's hardly co-incidence that things consistently tend in the same direction, always against the good of the host society. Remember what Roosevelt told Lyndon Johnson, in politics nothing happens by accident. (The opposite proposition of MacMillan, 'events dear boy, events', applies to banal politicians just trying to preserve their positions and certainly not in charge of events - idiots, who may or may not be useful.) Perhaps there is method in the madness; or as the Bible has it, the children of darkness are wiser in their generation than the children of light.
Events are making more people aware of the effect of the EU on Britain. It's amusing to see the lefties squirm and snarl at each other as it becomes evident our windbag politicians can do nothing to preserve the jobs of their voters. Indeed, the velvet glove of rhetoric may be replaced by the iron fist of naked power if the yokels of Lincolnshire, or whevever the latest protests are taking place, fail to accept their much reduced place in the new world order of the EU. That of course would end Brown and his party's chance of re-election, but Brown's value to his party is almost exhausted, he merely has to take the blame for their increasingly likely heavy defeat at the next election. The powers that be won't weep for the loss of the New Labour party either. They've served their turn, and will instantly be replaced by an almost equally subservient Blue Labour party,led by Call Me Dave, Clone of Blair, whose antics may distract the populace for a few more years, whilst the destruction and decay of Britain proceeds a further stage.
One may note that this sort of unpredictable spasm, of strikes, demonstrations, stoppages and possible riots may contribute to sudden failures in the already strained infrastructure, as they escalate and interact with other factors. Such a prospect is likely to put the wind up our politicians, not just because of the chaos unleashed; but because it would reveal their powerlessness and lack of authority, mere stooges of Brussels; and so lose the legitimacy of the whole Westminster farce of pretended sovereignty in the eyes of the public, who are not yet ready to accept the death of Britain and it's dismemberment into a number of peripheral EU regions.
The slogan 'British jobs for British workers', the naive acceptance of which has crystallised the current labour dispute, is ironically amusing in the current political and social context. Few significant businesses are owned and operated in Britain by and for Britons any more. All the big ones are branches or subsidiaries of foreign organisations. They have no independence of decisions made abroad. Foreigners may buy shares in businesses quoted on British stock exchanges - well, perhaps not so many recently, but perhaps more later. They may have operations abroad, whose results are included in their British financial statements.Many of those working in Britain are not British in the sense that would have been accepted by previous generations. The same is true of the black and asiatic representatives of the British government, including those sent to the EU. The whole concept of Britain is being besmirched and dismantled by the powers that be. Currently it is becoming just a name for one of the state entities and gravy trains affiliated to the EU, similar to a company name. Many of this crowd of cosmopolitan crooks and vermin could just as well be employed by some other company or team or 'country'. The unions mean jobs for their members, but they aren't going to get that. Most of their members are white, and that will count against them in the new era - it's already happening. Now the chickens are coming home to roost, and the sky will be black with them, as the leftist policies the unions supported show their inevitable results. There is one use for the slogan; to contrast what was, and what might have been, with what is and what is likely to be; and thereby perhaps encourage some people to think.
Given, say another half century,probably rather less, certainly by 2050 the destruction of Britain and the British is likely to be complete. The territory is likely to be occupied by a deracinated mish mash, which has absorbed most of the whites and negroes at Third World levels, and probably under the religious spell of Islam; with strong Indian and other oriental groups preserving their identity and well represented among the wealthy and powerful.
Considering some of the currents just beneath the surface of events, there are likely to be 'interesting times' ahead, with much food for ravens.
While Trump & Putin deal bilaterally ...
2 days ago
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